Thursday, August 24, 2006

Time. So Much and So Little.

I have nothing to do. I'm bored out of my brains. Yet, it's still 2 hours before my shift ends. This is one of the downsides of being in a compressed workweek. I'm actually done for the day. I finished everything I needed to do 3 hours after I started my shift. I need to be more productive.

Boredom is something that I will be adjusting to soon. I need to find a way to maximize the time I have. Hmm... What to do? I'll be able to write here more. I'll be able to read more of the novels I so love. I'll be able to exploit the resources here in the office more. (LoL).

Since I'm now in a compressed workweek (which means that I didn't get the promotion I was hoping for but I don't care since the person who got promoted deserved it), I have been able to get an additional day of rest (I just use it for sleep). This is the time I try to clean up my house, try to put the washed clothes in my closet, try to find the courage to finish my blog template, and try to get re-acquainted with everything else.

So anyway, I've been quite busy during weekends for the past couple of weeks. It's the season of the company's annual Sports fest. I'm in our account's volleyball team. So far, our team's standing is 3-0. Haha. Championships, here we come. Kidding aside, playing volleyball again has been refreshing. My stamina has deteriorated drastically compared to when I was still in High School. I must say, the skills have retained but I need to work on being tired after a set and a half. Sadly, smoking has already taken its toll.

We have not been attending our zips class. At first, it was just because of the weather. Eventually, everyone was just pre-occupied with something. Don't get me wrong, we're still very interested in completing the 6 modules (were at module 4 now); it's just that the weekends have been really busy. We'll find time, soon.

This is the irony. I’m bored when I’m at work. When I don’t have work, I can’t seem to get enough time to accomplisheverything. Maybe it will be better soon. I will learn to adapt. Tell you about it later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

finally... hehe. so i'll be waiting for more blogs? keep on writing, i luv reading ur blogs! :)