Monday, May 22, 2006

Coffee Shops and Friends

Good friends are hard to find. I have a handful. I am blessed.

I just got home from Starbucks, Tomas Morato. I went out with some of my good and long time friends. Gerard, Ron, Czar, and I haven't seen each other for a couple of weeks now. It was a long overdue meet up. The last time I saw them was when we were in Boracay. In Ron's case, 2 weeks before the Boracay trip. Earlier, Jason and Chris were with us at Figaro, Brick Road. They had to be on their way since they had other things to do. It was nice seeing them anyway, even if it was quite brief.

Being with them assured me of our eternal bond. I just couldn't help but smile when snippets of our past were brought up. We were talking about being all grown-up; how that particular Starbucks brought back many fond memories; how it built each ones character. I still felt the familiar calmness that always gave me strength. They will still be there to watch my back for me.

A particular conversation earlier stuck with me till now. Gerard was telling me about his latest adventure. He met this guy that he said was so into him. Unfortunately, it was not mutual. So the text messages were not returned; that was for a week's time. One of the last messages that was sent to him said, “The things you do to people around you now is the reason why you are still single.” I just thought, the truth of that statement should have left a mark in Gerard. It was one of the things that he longs for, I guess. Sharing his life with another person is what he lacks. It is what he misses. He then admitted that all of the people that touched his life, in that way, were remembered. A couple of them did a real number to him. I just wish his dry spell ceases sooner than later.

Czar also brought up something near that department. It was like a plot from some TV soap. His date had a best friend of an ex that had an acquaintance with his ex and then he met the ex that had a grudge on him before then they became friends. The story was somewhere on that line. It was quite amusing to know that stories like that are indeed real and not just stirred up from one's imagination. It made me think how wide his friend network was. Czar and his acquaintances, I guess it was from all the dating he has been keeping himself busy with. Good for him.

I'm now looking forward to meeting with them again. It was one of our weekly rituals before. Unfortunately, it seemed to stop. Work and other social obligations are just piling up for each one of us. Even if that is the case, I know that the next time, they will still be my good and long time friends. Kudos to us.

My Typical Weekend

Today is a Sunday. We just finished having dinner. The feeling was quite similar. It was nothing out of the ordinary. I mean that with good intentions. It was just my mom, my sister, my brother, our help, and me, all sitting around the table, eating in intermittent silence. It was our thing, I guess. We don't talk too often while eating, unless we have a guest around. Times like these, we just enjoy the food that was served. Once in a while, someone starts a conversation. Usually it is about a movie that one saw, a controversial move by the government, or sometimes, it’s just as silly as a caterpillar crawling my sister's shirt. I treasure these moments. I always feel our contentment in being together, even if it is just at weekends.

This is one of the hassles of working at odd hours. You miss your family more often than you like.

Yesterday's events are turning to be routine. After my shift, I grab a few bottles of beer with officemates. After that, I meet him and we go to their house. There, we just hang around with his roommates. I get to know him a little more every time I'm there. It always surprises me. Thanks to the help of his trust-worthy best friend, I get to peek what he was like before which makes me understand him better. It may have been becoming a routine but I am learning to love every minute of it. In fact, I think that's how I’d like it to be.

In a couple of minutes, I will be meeting some friends for coffee. It's one of the things we do best, just hang around. I assume we'll be talking about the movie they just watched. We'll also be touching the subject of some friends we know, how they've been, what happened when we last saw them. I think it will be fun, as usual.

Tomorrow will be a brand new day. I'll be meeting him for dinner. It is a special occasion for us. It's the fourth month.

I caught up with my reading earlier. I'm now half way The Guardian. It's starting to get creepy. This is the exciting part. I must say, from what I have already read, it's not half bad. It made me feel a handful of emotions. And I was indeed caught up with what was happening.

So, today's a Sunday. My weekend is almost up. It is just more than 24 hours before work starts again. Have I done anything worth talking about? This is a typical weekend anyway.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

A Lazy Saturday Morning

It's a Saturday morning. Here I am creating a new post in an Internet café with free access. I'm about to go to their house right now. We're just waiting for his shift to finish. I just came from a drinking session in Valero Café with my teammates. It was the usual, small talk here and there, the overly familiar silence when a topic finished. We then started talking about something forbidden. It was a forbidden affection of a teammate to a teammate. It was hilarious with sweaty palms, brief-to-the-point-of-being-vague answers and such.

(I stopped typing for around 5 minutes)

I just added a few friends in Friendster. I really don't have anything to do. I'm getting bored.

(I surfed the net for around 3minutes this time)

He lent me a copy of The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks. When he gave the book to me, it came along with a warning. “You should not read this when you're alone. It might creep the hell out of you.” So until now, I'm still at chapter 3. He said that it was quite a good book. Anyway, I'm meaning to finish that by next week that is if time permits.

So, Da Vinci Code The Movie, how was it? I guess it was okay. I didn't like how Tom Hanks portrayed Robert Langdon since he seemed like he knew the answers right away. I imagined Robert Langdon as trying to grab answers trying to solve the mystery. Here, it just seemed like he already knew it right then and there. Or maybe it was just me? Anyway, one this is for sure. It didn’t bore me. It was a good 2 and a half hour spent well.

What’s next? I’ll be logging out soon. Though there’s also a promise of a better tomorrow.

P.S. I just wanted to do something during this time. This is the result. :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Magical Week

I just had dinner and decided to get some coffee. It’s quite early to get ready for work. I still have like an hour and a half to do anything I like. A cup of coffee in hand, I went to my room and started up my computer. The first thing I always do is open my iTunes. I decided to listen to Give It Away by Deepest Blue. My mind raced back a couple of days ago when I was lounging around at Cocomangas in Boracay. The stars were just awesome.

The last time I was in Boracay was 6 years ago. I went there with my family. It was when we felt like touring the Philippines. Boracay was one of our destinations. It didn’t fail our expectations. I decided to be back. That dream came true just a couple of days ago.

We had a whole week to be there. I was with the people I really hold dear in my heart. It was magical to say the least. Being there felt like home. We ate, we drank, we gazed, we got burned, we lounged around, we ate again, we slept, we swam, and we ate some more. It was paradise at its best. Everything was perfect.

To tell you honestly, while I was there, it didn't seem like that. It was all normal; nothing registered out of the ordinary. It's just now that I really appreciate the intense beauty of the place. It's just now when I'm about to be struck by reality again in a couple of hours that I envy “the me” just sitting on a bean bag by the sand. I can still hear the rustle of the coconut leaves and the whispering waves hitting the sand.

I will be back again, that's for sure. Until then, I'll just have this song to remind me of that magical week.